Welcome to the Energetic Agriculture Facebook Community, a dynamic group proudly founded and managed by our dedicated team at www.energeticgrowers.com.
This community is designed as a platform for sharing knowledge, experiences, and promoting the growth of high-yielding, nutrient-dense crops using Energetic Growing techniques.
This Terms and Conditions document has been prepared to maintain order, foster respect, and provide a clear understanding of the rules governing our group interactions.
As a participant, you agree to adhere to the rules outlined herein, ensuring the provision of a valuable, enriching, and safe environment for all members. For transparency, we have also included our keyword restrictions within these terms.
Community Rules
Rule 1: Our Collective Vision
The vision of our community is to nurture the growth of inquisitive, pragmatic, and open-minded members eager to share knowledge and experiences for mutual growth. We are a group that values kindness, respect, and compassion towards all. Healthy debates are acceptable; however, patience and goodwill are requisite.
Rule 2: Sharing of Inspiration
We believe in fostering direct knowledge and experience. We strongly encourage sharing of personal experiments and trials, with the intent to help each member cultivate high-yielding, nutrient-dense crops using Energetic Growing techniques. Remember, sharing your positive aspirations motivates others. Provide more than you take from this community.
Rule 3: Provision of Practical Support
As the Energetic Agriculture concept is still developing, new members may feel overwhelmed by the plethora of novel information. Therefore, experienced members are urged to assist the community by offering practical advice and creative encouragement. By answering questions and sharing educational content, you can contribute significantly to the group’s robustness.
Rule 4: Limitation of Dogmatic and Ideological Thinking
Our community seeks to resonate with a broad community of growers, including gardeners, farmers, and horticulturalists. Any politically or ideologically inclined posts are prohibited. Let’s keep this platform free from personal politics and conspiracy theories, as our discussions on Energetic Growing already deviate from mainstream scientific views.
Rule 5: Prohibition of Spam
We have a zero-tolerance policy towards spam. Commercial advertisements, promotions, marketing, or coupon codes from members without prior permission are forbidden. Commercial or promotional content should only be posted by group admins or by those who have received prior approval on a case-by-case basis. Businesses seeking to share promotional material should contact an admin for more information.
Potential collaborators can reach us at collaborate@energeticgrowers.com
Rule 6: Requirement for On-Topic Posts
Ensure that all your posts are relevant to the group’s subject. Humorous posts are allowed, but they should also be pertinent. Off-topic content will be removed unless it is directly or adjacently related to the group’s focus. For clarity on the topics we cover, please refer to “Season 1” of “The Energetic Agriculture Podcast”. A FAQ document is under development. Mentioning private messages publicly for aiding members is not allowed. Instead, share your insights publicly.
Rule 7: Search Before Posting and Overall Consequences
To maintain order in our community, please use the search function before posing a question. This avoids duplication and helps to keep the group uncluttered. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the removal of the offending post or comment at the admin’s discretion, without prior warning.
Rule 8: Restriction on Introduction Posts
Introduction posts are not allowed due to the potential for clutter with our high volume of new members. Instead, please use the regular introduction messages shared by the administrators to introduce yourself. Any unsolicited introduction posts will be removed by the admins.
Community Keyword Transparency and our Post Approval Process
In our continual efforts to ensure a respectful and enriching community environment, we utilize AI features to moderate content and ascertain compliance with our terms. This section elucidates our keyword restrictions and the post approval process, effectively implemented since June 1st, 2023.
AI Moderation Features
Our sophisticated AI-based moderation system is designed to minimize spam, trolls, and off-topic content. While it is rare for us to suspend or ban members, inadvertent suspensions or bans may occur due to unintentional infractions triggered by specific AI keywords.
Should you experience censorship or post rejection, we advise you to revisit our community rules above and our additional material below to comprehend our content approval and removal guidelines.
Understanding Suspension and Banning
Members may face suspension or outright ban due to keyword-triggered violations. If you are suspended or banned and wish to appeal this decision, kindly reach out to us privately. As a part of our community stipulations, members are required to have had their Facebook account active for a minimum of 12 months to reduce the risk of bots and artificial accounts.
Post Approval Process
Your posts may be affected by certain keywords. This includes:
- Telegram bot associated keywords: Buy, Invest, Etsy, Investor, Shop, Store, Telegram.
- Additional sensitive keywords: Cabal, Deep State, Group Chat, Thank me later. Please be aware that phrases like “I found this wire from my local hardware store” or “My device stores energy from the atmosphere” could conflict with these keyword restrictions.
Guidelines for Commercial Activities and Promotions
If you are intending to sell or promote something within our community, it is essential that you reach out to us privately first, as we have defined guidelines and criteria for commercial activities. Collaborators can reach us at collaborate@energeticgrowers.com
Content Guidelines
Our focus is on posting on-topic and maintaining a light-hearted community with inspirational content. Facebook might independently restrict certain posts without our involvement, which we endorse to prevent our community from being flagged or censored. Please understand that we aim to uphold high community standards to foster the sharing and distribution of transformational content.
Content Length and Relevance
Posts are required to contain more than 10 characters for approval. Videos and photos related to Energetic Agriculture are welcome, but they should be accompanied by relevant text aligning with our community vision and mission.
Post Removal and Comment Restrictions
Posts may be removed if they are flagged as off-topic or violating the group rules by 3 members. To prevent group conflict or discord, comments may be disabled on a post if it has been flagged by 2 members or if it has received 100 or more comments in the past hour.
Procedure for Reporting Violations
Posting restrictions may be imposed if you are reported by 3 or more members within the last 28 days. If you believe you have not violated our community rules, you are entitled to contest this decision.
Appeal Process for Suspensions and Bans
If you find yourself suspended or banned from our community and believe this action to be unjust, we encourage you to make use of our appeal process.
We understand that misunderstandings and errors may occur, and we are committed to ensuring a fair system for all community members.
To initiate an appeal, reach out to us privately at support@energeticgrowers.com , clearly explaining the situation and providing any relevant context or evidence. We will review your case thoroughly and aim to respond in a timely manner.
Please understand that our primary objective is to maintain a supportive and respectful community environment, and all decisions are made with this goal in mind.
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