Unveiling Gardening
Magnetite & Magnetized Water

Harnessing the Power of Magnetite and Magnetic Water for Plant Growth: Milewski’s Revealing Insights
Dr. John V Milewski’s groundbreaking work, “The Effects of Magnetite, Magnetic Water and Magnetic Monopoles on Plant Growth,” provides an illuminating exploration into the transformative impact of magnetite and magnetic water on plant growth.
In his study, Milewski uncovers a fascinating theory: magnetic monopoles—created by the sun during solar flares—are attracted to plants and soil. The convergence of these monopoles within plants is believed to release a burst of energy, fostering photosynthesis, and sparking accelerated plant growth. This intriguing theory may hold the answer to why photosynthesis, a process demanding more energy than sunlight alone provides, is feasible.
Milewski goes on to propose that the chlorophyll molecule in plants might obtain extra energy from the fusion of magnetic monopoles. This energy boost could extend to humans as well due to the structural and energetic likeness between chlorophyll and our blood’s hemoglobin molecule.

Photosynthesis requires more energy than sunlight alone can provide.
Magnetic Monopoles and Photosynthesis
Magnetic monopoles cannot be created on Earth by merely breaking a bar magnet in half; instead, each half spontaneously generates a second pole, maintaining a dipole state.
Callahan suggests that the Sun, particularly during solar flares, possesses the requisite energy to separate magnetic dipoles into monopoles. During solar flares, magnetic dipoles are exposed to high-energy environments, resulting in their breakup into individual north and south monopoles that radiate out into space.
North magnetic monopoles, according to Callahan, are attracted to plants, leaves, and other green vegetation, while south monopoles are attracted to soil, rocks, and stones. In a natural growth process, south magnetic monopoles migrate through the soil to the plant roots, and north monopoles are attracted to plant leaves, resulting in a magnetic dipole charge within the plant.
“Ancient Mysteries and Modern Visions”
Phillip S. Callahan, Ph.D.
This combination allows south monopoles in the soil to be attracted to the roots, and, as per Callahan’s theory, the roots act as wave guides for these south poles to travel up to the leaves, where they recombine with their north counterparts.
The energy released during this recombination process is postulated to aid photosynthesis.
Callahan’s theory addresses a longstanding mystery about photosynthesis – the process seemingly requires more energy than sunlight alone can provide. He posits that the additional energy comes from the recombination of magnetic monopoles.

Central to this growth surge is the role of magnetized water in photosynthesis. It provides an energy boost that amplifies the conversion of sunlight and carbon dioxide into nourishment.
Magnetising Your Own Water
Magnetized water substantially enhances plant growth, producing larger and healthier specimens. The transformation extends deep into the plants’ biological processes.
Central to this growth surge is the role of magnetized water in photosynthesis. It provides an energy boost that amplifies the conversion of sunlight and carbon dioxide into nourishment, surpassing the efficiency of regular water.
Plants grown with magnetized water display improved resilience to pests. This translates into healthier crops and gardens and lessens the reliance on harmful pesticides.
Magnetized water optimizes nutrient absorption from the soil, boosting plant vitality and strengthening resistance against diseases and environmental stress.
For farmers and gardeners, the benefits of magnetized water are substantial. Regular use increases crop yields, making agriculture more productive. This sustainable method significantly reduces chemical runoff and pollution, contributing to a healthier planet.

Milewski put his theories to the test, conducting various experiments involving magnetite and magnetic water. Whether he incorporated magnetite into the soil or used magnetic water for irrigation, the outcomes consistently demonstrated significant increases in plant growth and health compared to control groups. Petunia plants, for instance, grown in magnetite-enriched soil, became taller, stronger, and healthier than those in regular soil. These magnetite-nourished plants also showcased a heightened resistance to bug attacks.
In his wife’s flower garden, Milewski scattered magnetite across the soil, catalyzing an explosive growth—plants grew two to five times their regular size and rate. The same remarkable growth was observed in a geranium plant watered with magnetic water over two years. Despite the slowing top growth rate after a year, new stems sprouted, causing the plant to outgrow even a 17-year-old geranium.
His research further delves into how to construct a magnetic trap to concentrate m-state materials in water, exploiting their magnetically induced properties. He also used magnetite on his lawn, resulting in a lush, green spread. The only trade-off was the accelerated growth rate, requiring more frequent mowing.
Nasturtiums grown in magnetite-enriched soil exhibited exceptional growth, outpacing other plants and scaling nearby trees. Their leaves spanned 5 to 6 inches in diameter, with vines stretching up to 6 feet long—all achieved without fertilizers, only magnetite, or magnetic water.
Dr. Milewski concludes with a resounding assertion: plants grow substantially bigger, faster, and healthier when exposed to magnetite or magnetic water. He attributes this extraordinary growth to the additional magnetic energy supplied in the form of magnetic monopoles, introduced to the soil by magnetite or magnetic water.
This captivating revelation unearths the potential of harnessing magnetite and magnetic water to revolutionize our approach to plant growth and agriculture.

Hi there, I'm Ray
I’ve been fortunate to receive some recognition for my work in organic gardening, particularly in nurturing challenging spaces into vibrant gardens. As Co-Founder of Energetic Growers, I’m looking forward to sharing my discoveries in Energetic Agriculture, Electroculture, & Cosmoculture Design.
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