PlantSurge, maker of magnetic watering products is the go-to-source for garden-hose magnetic watering systems! Their systems have been sold worldwide and have been a great source for people looking for easy-to-install and use magnetic watering products!
They even hired an independent firm to test out their products:

who provided a research report with the following results of their magnetic watering system on flowers. This chart shows one of recorded metrics, being the number of flowers.

Based on these results, you can assume that if flowering can be increased more than 400% for some plant varieties, e.g. Violas in this case, then think about how much it can improve your crops that are affected by flowering bodies: fruit, vegetable & even cannabis production!
Apply PlantSurge Magnetic Watering Yourself!

Check out PlantSurge and buy some for all of your watering hoses… for your main garden, and flower-gardens as well! You will surely be impressed!